Sunday, March 1, 2009

Oh, the Horror!

I had a bath last night. No, it was not voluntary. Mommy said I smelled like pee and tuna and she didn't want to cuddle me until the situation changed. So she dumped me in the bathtub and washed me like an incontinent infant. CAN YOU IMAGINE?? My tail didn't dry properly, it has lost its mojo and just drags behind me...Pippin thinks it's a toy and keeps trying to bite my bum. I will get her for this, I really will-I just have to have a little nap first. And I better wait until after supper to get my revenge...stay tuned!


  1. *from Yukio* You poor dear! I accidentally took a wrong jump once and got truck oil all over me, my humans had to wash me a few times with Dawn dish soap to get it all off, so I can relate. Oh, Mom bought me some chicken and turkey baby food (she says I AM her baby) like you said... and put some water in with it for the extra water intake I need - it was VERY good. I licked the bowl clean. Thanks for the info, I'm sure my vet will be happy.

  2. Oh no, oil would be terrible to wash off! All Tasha had to worry about was her noticeable smell, a lovely litterbox-tuna combination... A little water and sage scented soap and she was good as new!

  3. oh my cat.. we thought pippin was a boy bol bol

  4. ok i think your typist is not up to scratch Tash.. she called Pippin a "she" or is Pippin going through some sort of crazy stage???

  5. Oh no, when I said "I will get her" I meant MOMMY, she's the one who put me through this...

  6. Oh yes, I was a mess! Mom said I used up a couple of those 9 lives.

